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Primus Auditing Ops is a SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) Affiliated Audit Company (AAC). SEDEX is the world’s largest data platform; over 74,000 companies globally have chosen Sedex as their trusted partner to create social and sustainable commitments supply chains.

Our SEDEX affiliation as an AAC allows us to conduct 2 and 4 pillar SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) audits around the world in compliance with SEDEX Quality audit program guidelines and our company integrity guidelines.

What is SMETA?

SMETA is the most widely used audit in the world. Companies use SMETA to understand and improve working conditions and environmental performance in their business and supply chain. SMETA is not a certification process, it is the audit methodology created by the SEDEX membership to provide a reliable centralized audit protocol.

SMETA uses the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code (ETI Code) and local law as monitoring standards. SMETA can be adapted for use with other codes based on World Labor Organization (ILO) conventions.

SMETA Audit against the following four auditing pillars:

A SMETA 2-Pillar audit comprises:

  • Labor Standards

  • Health and Safety

  • Additional Elements:

    • Universal Rights covering UNGP

    • Management Systems

    • Entitlement to Work

    • Subcontracting and Homeworking

    • Environment (shortened)

A SMETA 4-Pillar audit comprises:

  • Labor Standards

  • Health and Safety

  • Additional Elements:

    • Universal Rights covering UNGP

    • Management Systems

    • Entitlement to Work

    • Subcontracting and Homeworking

  • Environment (extended)

  • Business Ethics

Primus Auditing Ops is a full member of the Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA). Please contact us to request a SMETA audit at